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Model B Questionnaire
With Commentary
For Low Contraceptive Prevalence Countries

Macro International Inc.
Demographic and Health Surveys, Phase III
Basic Documentation, Number 2

December 1995

Household Questionnaire

Name of country __________
Name of organization __________

Place name __________
Name of household head __________
Cluster number ___
Household number ___
Region ___

Urban or rural?

Urban 1
Rural 2

City or country?
Note: Large cities are national capitals and places with a population of over 1 million; small cities are places with a population between 50,000 and 1 million; remaining urban sample points are considered towns.

Large city 1
Small city 2
Town 3
Countryside 4

Interviewer Visits

First Visit (Repeat for second and third visits)
Date _____
Interviewer's name __________
Result ____

Next Visit
Date _____
Time _____

Final Visit
Day ____
Month ____
Year ____
Name ____
Result ____

Result codes

Completed 1
Not at home 2
Postponed 3
Refused 4
Partly completed 5
Incapacitated 6
Other (specify) __________ 7





Translator used

Yes 1
No 2

Name __________
Date ______

Field Editor
Name __________
Date ______

Office Editor __________
Keyed By __________

Household Schedule

Now we would like some information about the people who usually live in your household or who are staying with you now.

1 Line number (the number of persons listed by the respondent)

LINE NO. ___

2 Usual residents and visitors
Please give me the names of the persons who usually live in your household and guests of the household who slept here last night, starting with the head of the household.


3 Relationship to head of household
What is the relationship of (name) to the head of the household?

Head 1
Wife or husband 2
Son or daughter 3
Son-in-law or daughter-in-law 4
Grandson or granddaughter 5
Father or mother 6
Father-in-law or mother-in-law 7
Brother or sister 8
Co-wife 9
Other relative 10
Adopted/foster/stepchild 11
Not related 12
Doesn't know 98

4 Residence
Does (name) usually live here?

Yes 1
No 2

5 Residence
Did (name) stay here last night?

Yes 1
No 2

6 Sex
Is (name) male or female?

Male 1
Female 2

7 How old is (name)?

Years ___

Questions 8, 9 and 10 are for ages 6 and over (if under 6 skip to Question 11)
8 Education
Has (name) ever been to school?

Yes 1 (answer both 9 and 10)
No 2 (skip to 11)

9 Education
What is the highest level of school (name) attended?
What is the highest grade (name) completed at that level?

Don't know
Less than 1 year completed
Don't know

Question 10 is for ages less than 25
10 Education
Is (name) still in school?

Yes 1
No 2

Questions 11 through 14 refer to the biological parents of the child
11 Parental survivorship and residence for persons less than 15 years old
Is (name)'s natural mother alive?

Yes 1
No 2
Doesn't know 8
Parent not member of household 00

12 Parental survivorship and residence for persons less than 15 years old
If alive, does (name)'s natural mother live in this household? If yes, what is her name?
Record the mother's line number in addition. Record '00' if the parent is not member of the household.

Name __________
Line number ___

13 Parental survivorship and residence for persons less than 15 years old
Is (name)'s natural father alive?

Yes 1
No 2
Doesn't know 3

14 Parental survivorship and residence for persons less than 15 years old
If alive, does (name)'s natural father live in this household? If yes, what is his name?
Record the father's line number in addition. Record '00' if the parent is not member of the household.

Name __________
Line number ___

15 Eligibility
Circle the line number of all women ages 15-49.

Tick here if a continuation sheet was used ___

Just to make sure that I have a complete listing:
1) Are there any other persons such as small children or infants that we have not listed?

Yes ___

2) In addition, are there any other people who may not be members of your family, such as domestic servants, lodgers or friends who usually live here?

Yes ___

3) Are there any guests or temporary visitors staying here, or anyone else who slept here last night that have not been listed?

Yes ___

16 What is the main source of drinking water for members of your household?

Piped water
Residence/yard/plot 11 (skip to 18)
Public tap 12
Well water
Well in residence/yard/plot 21 (skip to 18)
Public well 22
Surface water
Spring 31
River/stream 32
Pond/lake 33
Dam 34
Rainwater 41
Tanker truck 51
Bottled water 61
Other (specify) __________ 96

17 How long does it take to go there, get water, and come back?

Minutes ___
On premises 996

18 What kind of toilet facility does your household have?

Flush toilet
Own flush toilet 11
Shared flush toilet 12
Pit toilet/latrine
Traditional pit toilet 21
Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine 22
No facility/bush/field 31
Other (specify) __________ 96

19 Does your household have:

Yes 1
No 2
A radio?
Yes 1
No 2
A television?
Yes 1
No 2
A telephone?
Yes 1
No 2
A refrigerator?
Yes 1
No 2

20 How many rooms in your household are used for sleeping?

Rooms ___

21 Main material of the floor.
Record observation

Natural floor
Earth/sand 11
Dung 12
Rudimentary floor
Wood planks 21
Palm/bamboo 22
Finished floor
Parquet or polished wood 31
Vinyl or asphalt strips 32
Ceramic tiles 33
Cement 34
Carpet 35
Other (specify) __________ 96

22 Does any member of your household own:

A bicycle?
Yes 1
No 2
A motorcycle?
Yes 1
No 2
A car?
Yes 1
No 2

23 What type of salt is usually used for cooking in your household?
(Ask to see salt package).

Local salt 01
Packaged salt (iodized) 02
Packaged salt (not iodized) 03
Salt for animals 04
Loose salt 05
Other (specify) __________ 96