Demographic and health survey (EDSB-V-2017)
Woman's Questionnaire
Republic of Benin
Ministry of Planning and Development
National institute of statistics and economic analysis (INSAE)
Urban/rural (urban=1, rural=2)
Rural 2
Name of head of household
Cluster number
Household number
Name and line number of woman
Household selected for men's survey? (1=Yes, 2=No)
No 2
Household selected for domestic violence module? (1=Yes, 2=No)
No 2
Interviewer's name
Final visit
Year 201
Int. number
Next visit
Total no. of visits
2 Not at home
3 Postponed
4 Refused
5 Partly completed
6 Incapacitated
7 Other (specify)
Language of interview
Native language of respondent
No 2
Language of questionnaire: French
Language codes:
02 Adja
03 Bariba
04 Fon
05 Dendi
06 Ditamari
07 Yorub
08 Other
Hello. My name is ___. I am working with the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis (INSAE). We are conducting a survey about health all over Benin. The information we collect will help the government to plan health services. Your household was selected for the survey. The questions usually take about 60 to 90 minutes. All of the answers you give will be confidential and will not be shared with anyone other than members of our survey team. You don't have to be in the survey, but we hope you will agree to answer the questions since your views are important. If I ask you any question you don't want to answer, just let me know and I will go on to the next question or you can stop the interview at any time.
In case you need more information about the survey, you may contact the person listed on the card that has already been given to your household.
Do you have any questions?
Signature of interviewer Date
Respondent does not agree to be interviewed 2-End
Section 1. Respondent's background
Questions and filters
Coding categories
102) How long have you been living continuously in (Name of current city, town or village of residence)?
If less than one year, record 00 years
Always 95-skip to 105
Visitor 96-skip to 105
103) Just before you moved here, did you live in a city, in a town, or in a rural area?
Town 2
Rural area 3
Outside of Benin 4
104) Before you moved here, which (province/region/state) did you live in?
Atacora 02
Atlantique 03
Borgou 04
Collines 05
Couffo 06
Donga 07
Littoral 08
Mono 09
Oueme 10
Plateau 11
Zou 12
Outside of Benin 96
105) In what month and year were you born?
Don't know month 98
Don't know year 9998
106) How old were you at your last birthday?
Compare and correct 105 and/or 106 if inconsistent
106a) Check cover of questionnaire
Household not selected for men's survey-skip to 107
30-49 years 2
106c) During this interview I would like to measure your blood pressure. I will do this three times during the interview. There is no danger to the procedure. We do it to know if a person has high blood pressure. If it isn't treated, high blood pressure can seriously hurt the heart.
I will give you the results of the blood pressure measurement after the interview and explain to you the meaning of the results. If you have high blood pressure, we recommend that you consult a health care facility or see a doctor because we cannot offer any treatment as part of the survey.
Do you have any questions to ask me about blood pressure measurement?
You can say yes or no, and you can also decide at any point in the interview to not participate in taking blood pressure measurements.
Respondent signature
No, respondent doesn't accept 2-skip to 107
106d) Before measuring your blood pressure, I would like to ask you some questions on things that could affect the measurements. Did you do any of the following things in the last 30 minutes:
No 2
No 2
No 2
No 2
106e) Look at the respondent's arm and take the appropriate armband to take [##translator note: text is cut off here]
106f) Take the blood pressure
Record the systolic and diastolic pressure
If you can't measure the respondent's blood pressure, record the reason.
Refused 994
Technical problems 995
Other 996
107) Have you ever attended school?
No 2- skip to 111
108) What is the highest level of school you attended: primary, secondary 1st cycle, secondary 2nd cycle, or higher?
Secondary 1st cycle 2
Secondary 2nd cycle 3
Higher 4
109) What is the highest (grade/form/year) you completed at this level?
If completed less than one year at that level, record 00
Higher- skip to 113
111) Now I would like you to read this sentence to me.
Show card to respondent
If respondent cannot read whole sentence, probe:
Can you read any part of the sentence to me?
Able to read only part of sentence 2
Able to read whole sentence 3
No card with required language (specify language) 4
Blind/visually impaired 5
Code 1 or 5 circled-skip to 114
113) Do you read a newspaper or magazine at least once a week, less than once a week or not at all?
Less than once a week 2
Not at all 3
114) Do you listen to the radio at least once a week, less than once a week or not at all?
Less than once a week 2
Not at all 3
115) Do you watch television at least once a week, less than once a week, or not at all?
Less than once a week 2
Not at all 3
116) Do you own a mobile telephone?
No 2-skip to 118
117) Do you use your mobile phone for any financial transactions?
No 2
118) Do you have an account in a bank or other financial institution that you yourself use?
No 2
119) Have you ever used the internet?
No 2-skip to 122
120) In the last 12 months, have you used the internet?
If necessary, probe for use from any location, with any device.
No 2-skip to 122
121) During the last one month, how often did you use the internet: almost every day, at least once a week, less than once a week, or not at all?
At least once a week 2
Less than once a week 3
Not at all 4
Christian 2
Animist 3
No religion 4
Other (specify) 6
Bariba and similar 2
Dendi and similar 3
Fon and similar 4
Yoa and Lokpa and similar 5
Betamaribe and similar 6
Peulh and similar 7
Yoruba and similar 8
Other Beninese (specify) 96
Other nationality (specify) 97
123a) Check cover of questionnaire
Household not selected for men's survey --skip to 201
30-49 years 2
123c) Can I measure your blood pressure now?
Respondent signature
No, respondent did not accept 2-skip to 201
123d) Take blood pressure
Record systolic and diastolic pressure
If you cannot measure the respondent's blood pressure, record the reason
Refused 994
Technical problems 995
Other 996
124) How many kilometers away is the nearest health care facility?
Don't know 998
125) How much time does it take to reach the nearest health care facility?
Don't know 998
Codes for Q 108 and 109: Education
Level attainted
Class successfully achieved
Less than one year in C1=0
Don't know=8
Less than 1 year in 6th =0
Don't know =8
Less than one year in 2nd=0
Don't know =8
Less than one year in 1st =0
1st year=1
2nd year=2
3rd year=3
4th year=4
Don't know 8
Questions and filters
Coding categories
201) Now I would like to ask you about all the births you have had during your life. Have you ever given birth?
No 2- skip to 206
202) Do you have any sons or daughters to whom you have given birth who are now living with you?
No 2- skip to 204
203) How many sons live with you?
And how many daughters live with you?
If none, record '00'
Daughters at home
204) Do you have any sons or daughters to whom you have given birth who are alive but do not live with you?
No 2- skip to 206
205) How many sons are alive but do not live with you?
And how many daughters are alive but do not live with you?
If none, recode '00'
Daughters elsewhere
206) Have you ever given birth to a boy or girl who was born alive but later died?
If no, probe: Any baby who cried, who made any movement, sound, or effort to breathe, or who showed any other signs of life even for a very short time?
No 2- 208
207) How many boys have died?
And how many girls have died?
If none, record '00'
Girls dead
208) Sum answers to 203, 205, and 207 and enter total.
If none, record 00
209) Check 208:
Just to makes sure that I have this right: you have had in total ____births during your life. Is that correct?
No-probe and correct 201-208 as necessary
No births- skip to 226
211) Now I would like to record the names of all your births, whether still alive or not, starting with the first one you had. Record names of all the births in 212. Record twins and triplets on separate rows.
If there are more than 10 births, use an additional questionnaire, starting with the second row.
212) What name was given to you (first/next) baby?
Birth history number
01, 02, 03, etc.?
213) Is (name) a boy or a girl?
Girl 2
214) Were any of these births twins?
Multiple 2
215) In what month and year was (name) born?
Probe: What is his/her birthday?
No 2- skip to 220
217) If alive:
How old was (name) at his/her last birthday? Record age in completed years.
218) If alive:
Is (name) living with you?
No 2
219) If alive:
Record household line number of child (record '00' if child not listed in household)
01, Next birth; 02, 03, 04, etc., Go to 221
220) If dead:
How old was (name) when he/she died?
If 12 months or 1 year, ask: Did (name) have his/her first birthday?
Then ask: Exactly how many months old was (name) when he/she died?
Record days if less than 1 month, months if less than two years, or years.
Months 2
Years 3
221) Were there any other live births between (name of previous birth) and (name), including any children who died after birth?
No 2-next birth
[##translator note: 212-221 were repeated for births 6-10]
222) Have you had any live births since the birth of (name of last birth)?
No 2
223) Compare 208 with number of births in history above and mark.
Numbers are different-(Probe and reconcile)
224) Check 215:
Enter the number of births in 2012-2017.
None 0-skip to 226
225) C
For each birth since in 2012-2017, enter B in the month of birth in the calendar. Write the name of the child to the left of the code B for each birth. Ask the number of months the pregnancy lasted and record P in each of the preceding months according to the duration of the pregnancy. (Note: The number of Ps must be one less than the number of months that the pregnancy lasted.)
No 2-skip to 230
Unsure 8-skip to 230
227) How many months pregnant are you?
Record number of completed months.
Enter Ps in the calendar, beginning with the month of interview and for the total number of completed months.
228) When you got pregnant, did you want to get pregnant at that time?
No 2
229) Check 208: Total number of births
One or more-
a) Did you want to have a baby later on or did you not want any more children?
b) Did you want to have a baby later on or did you not want any children?
No more/none 2
230) Have you ever had a pregnancy that miscarried, was aborted, or ended in a stillbirth?
No 2-skip to 239
231) When did the last such pregnancy end?
Last pregnancy ended before January 2012 or earlier-skip to 239
233) In what month and year did the preceding such pregnancy end?
01, 02, 03, etc.?
234) How many months pregnant were you when that pregnancy ended?
235) Since January 2012, have you had any other pregnancies that did not result in a live birth?
No2-skip to 236
236) For each pregnancy that did not end in a live birth in 2012-2017 or later, enter T in the calendar in the month that the pregnancy terminated and P for the remaining number of completed months of pregnancy.
If there are more than four pregnancies that did not end in a live birth, use an additional questionnaire starting on the second line.
237) Did you have any miscarriages, abortions or stillbirths that ended before 2012?
No 2-skip to 239
238) When did the last such pregnancy that terminated before 2012 end?
239) When did you last menstrual period start?
Days ago 1
Weeks ago 3
Months ago 2
Years ago 4
In menopause/has had hysterectomy 994
Before last birth 995
Never menstruated 996
240) From one menstrual period to the next, are there certain days when a woman is more likely to become pregnant?
No 2 --skip to 242
Don't know 8- skip to 242
241) Is this time just before her period begins, during her period, right after her period has ended, or halfway between two periods?
During her period 2
Right after her period had ended 3
Halfway between two periods 4
Other (specify) 6
Don't know 8
242) After the birth of a child, can a woman become pregnant before her menstrual period has returned?
No 2
Don't know 8
301) Now I would like to talk about family planning-the various ways or methods that a couple can use to delay or avoid a pregnancy.
Have you ever heard of (method)?
Probe: Women can have an operation to avoid having any more children
No 2
Probe: Men can have an operation to avoid having any more children
No 2
Probe: Women can have a loop or coil placed inside them by a doctor or a nurse/midwife which can prevent pregnancy for one or more months.
No 2
Probe: Women can have an injection by a heath provider that stops them from becoming pregnant for one or more months.
No 2
Probe: Women can have one or more small rods placed in their upper arm by a doctor or nurse which can prevent pregnancy for one or more years.
No 2
Probe: Women can take a pill every day to avoid becoming pregnant.
No 2
Probe: Men can put a rubber sheath on their penis before sexual intercourse.
No 2
Probe: Women can place a sheath in their vagina before sexual intercourse.
No 2
Probe: As an emergency measure, within three days after they have unprotected sexual intercourse, women can take special pills to prevent pregnancy.
No 2
Probe: A women uses a string of colored beads to know the days she can get pregnant. On the days she can get pregnant, she uses a condom or does not have sexual intercourse.
No 2
Up to six months after giving birth, before the menstrual period has returned, women use a method which requires her to breastfeed frequently day and night.
No 2
Probe: To avoid pregnancy, women do not have sexual intercourse on the days of the month they think they can get pregnant.
No 2
Probe: Men can be careful and pull out before climax.
No 2
Yes, traditional method B
No Y
Pregnant-skip to 312
303) Are you or your partner currently doing something or using any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
No 2-skip to 312
304) Which method are you using?
Circle all mentioned.
If more than one method mentioned, follow skip instruction for highest method in list.
Male sterilization B-307
IUD C --skip to 309
Injectables D--skip to 309
Implants E--skip to 309
Pill F
Condom G-skip to 306
Female condom H
Emergency contraception I
Standard Days method J
Lactational Amen. Method K
Rhythm method L
Withdrawal M
Other modern method X
Other traditional method Y
H-Y skip to 309
305) What is the brand name of the pills you are using?
If don't know brand, ask to see the package.
Duofem 02
Microgynon 03
Eugynon 04
Lo-Femenal 05
Confiance 06
Minidril 07
Stediril 08
Other (specify) 96
Don't know 98
All skip to 309
306) What is the brand name of the condoms you are using?
If don't know the brand, ask to see the package.
Cool 02
No Logo 03
Other (specify) 96
Don't know 98
All skip to 309
307) In what facility did the sterilization take place?
Probe to identify the type of source.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place
(Name of place)
Govt. Health Center 12
Other public sector (specify) 16
Private doctor's office 22
Religious hospital 23
Other private medical (specify) 26
Other (specify) 96
DK 98
308) In what month and year was the sterilization performed?
Year --skip to 320
309) Since what month and year did you start using (Current method) without stopping?
Probe: For how long have you been using (Current method first mentioned) now without stopping?
310) Check 308 and 309, 215, and 231:
Any birth or pregnancy termination after month and year of start of use of contraception in 308 or 309.
Yes-Go back to 308 and 309, probe and record month and year at start of continuous use of current method (must be after last birth or pregnancy termination).
311) Check 308 and 309: Year is 2012-2017- C Enter code for method used in month of interview in the calendar and in each month back to the date started using.
Then continue.
Then skip to 324.
312) I would like to ask you some questions about the times you or your partner may have used a method to avoid getting pregnant during the last few years.
Use calendar to probe for earlier periods of use and nonuse, starting with most recent use, back to January 2012. Use names of children, dates of birth, and periods of pregnancy as reference points.
Column 2
Column 3
312a) Month and year of start of the interval of use or non-use.
312b) Between (event) in (Month/year) and (event) in (month/year), did you or your partner use any method of contraception?
No 2-skip to 312i
312d) How many months after (event) in (month/year) did you start to use (method)?
Record 95 if respondent gives the date of starting to use the method. [##translator note: end of sentence cut off, I used what matched the standard English version]
Months-skip to 312f
Date given 95
312e) Record the month and year respondent started using method
312f) For how many months did you use (method)?
Record 95 if respondent gives the date of termination of use
Date given 95
312g) Record month and year respondent stopped using method
312h) Why did you stop using (method)?
312i) Go back to 312a in next column; or, if no more gaps, go to 313.
313) Check the calendar for use of any contraceptive method in any month.
Any method used-skip to 315
314) Have you ever used anything or tried in any way to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
No 2-skip to 326
315) Check 304:
Circle method code.
If more than one method code circled in 304, circle code for highest method in list.
Female sterilization 01-skip to 319
Male sterilization 02-skip to 327
IUD 03
Injectables 04
Implants 05
Pill 06
Condom 07
Female condom 08
Emergency contraception 09
Standard Day Method 10
Lactational Amen. Method 11-skip to 323
Rhythm method 12-skip to 323
Withdrawal 13-skip to 323
Other modern method 95
Other traditional method 96
316) You first started using (current method) in (date from 309). Where did you get it at that time?
Probe to identity the type of source.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place.
(Name of place)
Govt. Health Center 12
Mobile clinic 14
Fieldworker 15
Other public sector (specify) 16
Pharmacy 22
Private doctor 23
Mobile clinic 24
Religious hospital 25
Other private medical (specify) 26
Church 42
Friend/relative 43
Other (specify) 96
317) Check 304:
Circle method code:
If more than one method code circled in 304, circle code for highest method in list.
Injectables 04
Implants 05
Pill 06
Condom 07 --skip to 323
Female condom 08-skip to 322
Emergency contraception 09-skip to 322
Standard day method 10-skip to 322
Other modern method 95-skip to 322
Other traditional method 96-skip to 323
318) At that time, where you told about side effects or problems you might have with the method?
No 2-skip to 320
319) When you got sterilized, were you told about side effects or problems you might have with the method?
No 2
320) Were you ever told by a health or family planning worker about side effects or problems you might have with the method?
No 2-skip to 322
321) Were you told what to do if you experienced side effects or problems?
No 2
Other-When you obtained (Current method from 315) from (Source of method from 307 or 316), were you told about other methods of family planning that you could use?
No 2
323) Were you ever told by a health or family planning worker about other methods of family planning that you could use?
No 2
324) Check 304:
Circle method code.
If more than one method code circled in 304, circle code for highest method in list.
Male sterilization 02-skip to 327
IUD 03
Injectables 04
Implants 05
Pill 06
Condom 07
Female condom 08
Emergency contraception 09
Standard days method 10
Lactational Amen. Method 11-skip to 327
Rhythm method 12-skip to 327
Withdrawal 13-skip to 327
Other modern method 95
Other traditional method 96-skip to 327
325) Where did you obtain (current method) the last time?
Probe to identity the type of source.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place.
(Name of place)
Govt. Health Center 12
Mobile clinic 14
Fieldworker 15
Other public sector (specify) 16
Pharmacy 22
Private doctor 23
Mobile clinic 24
Religious hospital 25
Other private medical (specify) 26
Church 42
Friend/relative 43
Other (specify) 96
All skip to 327
326) Do you know of a place where you can obtain a method of family planning?
No 2
327) In the last 12 months, were you visited by a fieldworker?
No 2-skip to 329
328) Did the fieldworker talk to you about family planning?
No 2
329) Check 202: Living children
No b) In the last 12 months, have you visited a health facility for yourself?
No 2-skip to 401
330) Did any staff member at the health facility speak to you about family planning methods?
No 2
Section 4. Pregnancy and postnatal care
401) Check 224:
No births in 2012-2017-skip to 648
402) Check 215: Record the birth history number in 403 and the name and the survival state from 404 for each birth in 2012-2017. Ask the questions about all these births. Begin with the last birth. (If there are more than 2 births, use last column of additional questionnaire(s)).
Now I would like to ask some questions about your children born in the last five years. (We will talk about each separately).
403) Birth history number from 212 in birth history
405) When you got pregnant with (Name), did you want to become pregnant at that time?
No 2
406) Check 208:
Only one birth- a) Did you want to have a baby later on, or did you not want any children?
More than one birth- b) Did you want to have a baby later on, or did you not want any more children?
No more 2-skip to 408
407) How much longer did you want to wait?
Years 2
Don't know 998
408) Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy?
No 2-skip to 414
409) Whom did you see?
Anyone else?
Probe to identify each type of person and record all mentioned.
Doctor A
Nurse B
Midwife C
Other person
Aide D
Matron E
Traditional birth attendant F
Community/village health worker G
Other (specify) X
410) Where did you receive this antenatal care for this pregnancy?
Anywhere else?
Probe to identity the type of source.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place.
(Name of place(s))
Other home B
Govt. Health Center D
Maternity E
Village unit F
Other public sector (specify) G
Religious hospital I
Other private medical (specify) J
Other (specify) X
411) How many months pregnant were you when you first received antenatal care for this pregnancy?
Don't know 98
412) How many times did you receive antenatal care during this pregnancy?
Don't know 98
413) As part of your antenatal care during this pregnancy, were any of the following done at least once?
a) Was your blood pressure measured?
b) Did you give a urine sample?
c) Did you give a blood sample?
d) Did they weigh you?
e) Did they measure you?
f) Did they feel your abdomen?
g) Did they do an ultrasound?
h) Did they give you nutritional advice?
No 2
No 2
No 2
No 2
No 2
No 2
No 2
No 2
414) During this pregnancy, were you given an injection in the arm to prevent the baby from getting tetanus, that is, convulsions after birth?
No 2- skip to 417
Don't know 8-skip to 417
415) During this pregnancy, how many times did you get this injection?
Don't know 8
416) Check 416: Tetanus injections
Don't know
416) Check 416: Tetanus injections
Don't know
417) At any time before this pregnancy, did you receive any tetanus injections?
No 2-skip to 420
Don't know 8-skip to 420
418) Before this pregnancy, how many times did you receive a tetanus injection?
If 7 or more times, record 7
Don't know 8
419) Check 418;
Only once:
a) How many years ago did you receive the last tetanus injection?
More than once:
b) How many years ago did you receive the last tetanus injection before this pregnancy?
420) During this pregnancy, were you given or did you buy iron tablets or iron syrup?
Show tables/syrup
No 2-skip to 422
Don't know 8- skip to 422
421) During the whole pregnancy, for how many days did you take the tables or syrup?
If answer not numeric, probe for approximate number of days.
Don't know 998
422) During this pregnancy, did you take any drug for intestinal worms?
No 2
Don't know 8
423) During this pregnancy, did you take any drugs to keep you from getting malaria?
No 2-skip to 426
Don't know 8-skip to 426
423a) What drugs did you take?
Record all mentioned. If the type of drug isn't determined, show current malaria drugs to the respondent.
Chloroquine B
Other (specify) X
Don't know Z
423b) Check 324a:
SP/Fansidar take as a preventative against malaria.
Code A not circled-skip to 426
424) How many times did you take SP/Fansidar during this pregnancy
424b) How many times did you take SP/Fansidar while under observation from a health care worker?
None 0
425) Did you get the SP/Fansidar during any antenatal visit, during another visit to a health facility or from another source?
If more than one source, record the highest source on the list.
Another facility visit 2
Other source 6
425a) Check 425:
Antenatal visit
Code 1 not circled-skip to 426
425b) Did you have an antenatal card during the time you were pregnant with (name)?
Yes, not seen 2-skip to 426
No card 8-skip to 426
425c) Check the antenatal card and record the number of times SP/Fansidar was given
None 0
426) When (Name) was born, was he/she very large, larger than average, average, smaller than average, or very small?
Larger than average 2
Average 3
Smaller than average 4
Very small 5
Don't know 8
427) Was (Name) weighed at birth?
No 2-skip to 429
Don't know 8-skip to 429
428) How much did (Name) weigh?
Record weight in kilograms from health card, if available
Grams from recall 2
Don't know 99998
429) Who assisted with the delivery of (Name)?
Anyone else?
Probe for the type of person and record all persons assisting.
If respondent says no one assisted, probe to determine whether any adults were present at the delivery
Nurse B
Midwife C
Matron E
Traditional birth attendant F
Relative/friend G
Other (specify) X
No one Y
430) Where did you give birth to (name)?
Probe to identity the type of source.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place.
(Name of place(s))
Other home 12-skip to 434
Govt. Health Center 22
Maternity 23
Village unit 24
Other public sector (specify) 26
Religious hospital 32
Other private medical (specify) 36
Other (specify) 96-skip to 434
431) How long after (Name) was delivered did you stay there?
If less than one day, record hours. If less than one week, record days. If a week or more, record weeks.
Days 2
Weeks 3
Don't know 998
432) Was (name) delivered by caesarean, that is, did they cut your belly open to take the baby out?
No 2-skip to 434
433) When was the decision made to have the caesarean section? Was it before or after your labor pains started?
After 2
433a) Did you pay to delivery by caesarean?
No 2
Don't know 8
434) Immediately after the birth, was (name) put directly on the bare skin of your chest?
No 2-skip to 434 b
Don't know 8-skipt to 434b
434a) Did (name)'s skin have contact with your skin?
No 2
Don't know 8
434b) Check 430: Place of delivery
435) I would like to talk to you about checks on your health after delivery, for example, someone asking you questions about your health or examining you. Did anyone check on your health while you were still in the facility?
No 2-skip to 438
436) How long after delivery did the first check take place?
If less than one day, record in hours. If less than one week, record days.
If one week or more, record in weeks.
Days 2
Weeks 3
Don't know 998
437) Who checked on your health at that time?
Probe for most qualified person.
Nurse 12
Midwife 13
Matron 22
Traditional birth attendant 23
Community/village health worker 24
Other (specify) 96
437a) Does a woman pay to have a caesarean in Benin?
No, does not pay 2
Don't know 8
438) Now I would like to talk to you about checks on (name)'s health after delivery--for example, someone examining (name), checking the cord, or seeing if (name) is OK. Did anyone check on (name)'s health while you were still in the facility?
No 2-skip to 441
Don't know 8-skip to 441
439) How long after delivery was (name)'s health first checked?
If less than one day, record hours. If less than one week, record days. If one week or more, record in weeks.
Days 2
Weeks 3
Don't know 998
440) Who checked on (name)'s health at that time?
Probe for the most qualified person.
Nurse 12
Midwife 13
Matron 22
Traditional birth attendant 23
Other (specify) 96
441) Now I want to talk to you about what happened after you left the facility. Did anyone check on your health after you left the facility?
No 2-skip to 445
442) How long after delivery did that check take place?
If less than one day, record hours; if less than one week, record days. If one week or more, record in weeks.
Days 2
Weeks 3
Don't know 998
443) Who checked on (name)'s health at that time?
Probe for the most qualified person.
Nurse 12
Midwife 13
Matron 22
Traditional birth attendant 23
Community/village health worker 24
Other (specify) 96
444) Where did this first check of (name) take place?
Probe to identity the type of source and circle the appropriate code.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place.
(Name of place(s))
Other home 12
Govt. Health Center 22
Maternity 23
Village unit 24
Other public sector (specify) 26
Religious hospital 32
Other private medical (specify) 36
Other (specify) 96
445) I would like to talk to you about checks on (name)'s health after you left (facility in 430). Did any health care provider or a traditional birth attendant check on (name)'s health in the two months after you left (facility in 430)?
No 2-skip to 457
Don't know 8-skip to 457
446) How many hours, days or weeks after the birth of (name) did that check take place?
If less than one day, record hours; if less than one week, record days. If one week or more, record in weeks.
Days 2
Weeks 3
Don't know 998
447) Who check on (name)'s health at that time?
Probe for most qualified person.
Nurse 12
Midwife 13
Matron 22
Traditional birth attendant 23
Community/village health worker 24
Other (specify) 96
448) Where did this check of (name) take place.
Probe to identity the type of source and circle the appropriate code.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place.
(Name of place(s))
Other home 12
Govt. Health Center 22
Maternity 23
Village unit 24
Other public sector (specify) 26
Religious hospital 32
Other private medical (specify) 36
All skip to 457
449) I would like to talk to you about checks on your health after delivery, for example, someone asking you questions about your health or examining you. Did anyone check on your health after you gave birth to (name)?
No 2-skip to 453
450) How long after delivery did the first check take place?
If less than one day, record in hours. If less than one week, record days. If one week or more, record in weeks.
Days 2
Weeks 3
Don't know 998
451) Who checked on your health at that time?
Probe for most qualified person.
Nurse 12
Midwife 13
Matron 22
Traditional birth attendant 23
Community/village health worker 24
Other (specify) 96
452) Where did this first check take place?
Probe to identity the type of source and circle the appropriate code.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place.
(Name of place(s))
Other home 12
Govt. Health Center 22
Maternity 23
Village unit 24
Other public sector (specify) 26
Religious hospital 32
Other private medical (specify) 36
Other (specify) 96
453) I would like to talk to you about checks on (name)'s health after delivery--for example, someone examining (name), checking the cord, or seeing if (name) is OK. In the two months after (name) was born, did any health care provider or a traditional birth attendant check on (name)'s health?
No 2-skip to 457
Don't know 9-skip to 457
454) How many hours, days, or weeks after the birth of (name) did the first check take place?
If less than one day, record in hours. If less than one week, record days. If one week or more, record in weeks.
Days 2
Weeks 3
Don't know 998
455) Who checked on (name)'s health at that time?
Probe for the most qualified person.
Nurse 12
Midwife 13
Matron 22
Traditional birth attendant 23
Community/village health worker 24
Other (specify) 96
456) Where did this first check of (name) take place?
Probe to identity the type of source and circle the appropriate code.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place.
(Name of place(s))
Other home 12
Govt. Health Center 22
Maternity 23
Village unit 24
Other public sector (specify) 26
Religious hospital 32
Other private medical (specify) 36
Other (specify) 96
457) In the first two days after (name)'s birth, did any health care provider do the following:
a) Examine the cord?
b) Measure (name)'s temperature?
c) Counsel you on danger signs for newborns?
d) Counsel you on breastfeeding?
e) Observe (name) breastfeeding?
No 2
Don't know 8
No 2
Don't know 8
No 2
Don't know 8
No 2
Don't know 8
No 2
Don't know 8
458) Has your menstrual period returned since the birth of (name)?
No 2- skip to 461
459) Did your period return between the birth of (name) and your next pregnancy?
No 2-skip to 463
460) For how many months after the birth of (Name) did you not have a period?
Don't know 98
461) Check 226:
Is respondent pregnant?
Pregnant or not sure-skip to 463
462) Have you had sexual intercourse since the birth of (name)?
No 2-skip to 464
463) For how many months after the birth of (Name) did you not have sexual intercourse?
Don't know 98
464) Did you ever breastfeed (Name)?
No 2
465) Check 404: Child is living?
Dead-skip to 471
466) How long after birth did you first put (name) to the breast?
If less than 1 hour, record 00 hours.
If less than 24 hours, record hours.
Otherwise, record days
Hours 1
Days 2
467) In the first three days after delivery, was (name) given anything to drink other than breast milk?
No 2
468) Check 404: Is child living?
Dead-Go to 471
469) Are you still breastfeeding (Name)?
No 2
470) Did (name) drink anything from a bottle with a nipple yesterday or last night?
No 2
Don't know 8
471) (Go back to 405 in next column, or, if no more births, go to 501a)
Section 5a. Child immunization (last birth)
Questions and filters
Coding category
501a) Check 215 in the birth history: Any births in 2014-2017?
No births in 2014-2017-skip to 601
502a) Record the name and birth history number from 212 of the last child born in 2014-2017.
Birth history number
Dead-skip to 501b
504a) Do you have a card or other document where (name)'s vaccinations are written down?
Yes, only other document seen 2
Yes, both seen 3-skip to 507a
No, neither seen 4
505a) Did you ever have a vaccination card for (name)?
No 2
Code 4 circled-skip to 511a
507a) May I see the card or other document where (name)'s vaccinations are written down?
Yes, only other document seen 2
Yes, both seen 3
No, neither seen 4-skip to 511a
508a) Copy dates from the card.
Write 44 in day column if card shows that a dose was given, but no date is recorded.
Oral polio vaccine (OPV) 1
Oral polio vaccine (OPV) 2
Oral polio vaccine (OPV) 3
DPT-HEP.B-HIB (Pentavalent) 2
DPT-HEP.B-HIB (Pentavalent) 3
Pneumococcal 2
Pneumococcal 3
Yellow fever
Vitamin A (most recent)
509a) Check 508a:
BCG to Yellow fever all recorded
Yes-skip to 525a
510a) In addition to what is recorded on (this document/these documents), did (name) receive any other vaccinations, including vaccinations received in campaigns or immunization days or child health days?
Record Yes only if the respondent mentions at least one of the vaccinations in 508a that are not recorded as having been given.
No 2-(Record 00 in the corresponding day column for all vaccines not given) -- (Then skip to 525a
Don't know 8- (Record 00 in the corresponding day column for all vaccines not given) -- (Then skip to 525a
511a) Did (name) ever receive any vaccinations to prevent (name) from getting diseases, including vaccinations received in campaigns or immunization days or child health days?
No 2-skip to 525a
Don't know 8-skip to 525a
512a) Did (name) ever receive a BCG vaccination against tuberculosis, that is, an injection in the arm or shoulder that usually causes a scar?
No 2
Don't know 8
514a) Has (name) ever received oral polio vaccine, that is, about two drops in the mouth to prevent polio?
No 2-skip to 517a
Don't know 8-skip to 517a
515a) Did (name) receive the first oral polio vaccine in the first two weeks after birth or later?
Later 2
516a) How many times did (name) receive the oral polio vaccine?
517a) Has (name) ever received a pentavalent vaccination, that is, an injection given in the right arm sometimes at the same time as polio drops?
No 2skip to 519a
Don't know 8-skip to 519a
518a) How many times did (name) receive the pentavalent vaccine?
519a) Has (name) ever received a pneumococcal vaccination, that is, an injection in the left thigh to prevent pneumonia?
No 2-skip to 521a
Don't know 8-skip to 521a
520a) How many times did (name) receive the pneumococcal vaccine?
523a) Has (name) ever received a measles vaccination, that is, an injection in the arm to prevent measles?
No 2-skip to 525a
Don't know 8-skip to 525a
524a) Has (name) ever received a vaccine against yellow fever, that is, an injection in the right thigh to prevent yellow fever?
No 2
Don't know 8
524Aa) Did (name) receive certain vaccines over the past 12 months during a national vaccination campaign (day)?
No 2-skip to 525a
Don't know 8-skip to 525a
524Ab) During which national vaccination campaign did (name) receive the vaccines?
October 2017 2
Other (specify) 6
525a) In the last 7 days was (name) given:
a) a micronutrient powder mix (MNP)?
b) Ready-made dietary supplements like Plumpy Buts?
c) Ready-made dietary supplements like Plumpy Doz?
No 2
Don't know 8
No 2
Don't know 8
No 2
Don't know 8
Section 5B: Child immunization (next-to-last birth)
Questions and filters
Coding categories
501b) Check 215 in the birth history: Any more births in 2014-2017?
No more births in 2014-2017-skip to 601
502b) Record the name and birth history number from 212 of the next-to-last child born in 2014-2017.
Birth history number
Dead-skip to 526b
504b) Do you have a card or other document where (name)'s vaccinations are written down?
Yes, only other document seen 2
Yes, both seen 3-skip to 507b
No, neither seen 4
505b) Did you ever have a vaccination card for (name)?
No 2
Code 4 circled-skip to 511b
507b) May I see the card or other document where (name)'s vaccinations are written down?
Yes, only other document seen 2
Yes, both seen 3
No, neither seen 4-skip to 511b
508b) Copy dates from the card.
Write 44 in day column if card shows that a dose was given, but no date is recorded.
Oral polio vaccine (OPV) 1
Oral polio vaccine (OPV) 2
Oral polio vaccine (OPV) 3
DPT-HEP.B-HIB (Pentavalent) 2
DPT-HEP.B-HIB (Pentavalent) 3
Pneumococcal 2
Pneumococcal 3
Yellow fever
Vitamin A (most recent)
509a) Check 508a:
BCG to Yellow fever all recorded
Yes-skip to 525a
510a) In addition to what is recorded on (this document/these documents), did (name) receive any other vaccinations, including vaccinations received in campaigns or immunization days or child health days?
Yes 1-(Probe for vaccinations and write 66 in the corresponding day column in 508a)--(Then skip to 525a)
No 2-(Record 00 in the corresponding day column for all vaccines not given) -- (Then skip to 525a
Don't know 8- (Record 00 in the corresponding day column for all vaccines not given) -- (Then skip to 525a
511b) Did (name) ever receive any vaccinations to prevent (name) from getting diseases, including vaccinations received in campaigns or immunization days or child health days?
No 2-skip to 525b
Don't know 8-skip to 525b
512b) Did (name) ever receive a BCG vaccination against tuberculosis, that is, an injection in the arm or shoulder that usually causes a scar?
No 2
Don't know 8
514b) Has (name) ever received oral polio vaccine, that is, about two drops in the mouth to prevent polio?
No 2-skip to 517b
Don't know 8-skip to 517b
515b) Did (name) receive the first oral polio vaccine in the first two weeks after birth or later?
Later 2
516b) How many times did (name) receive the oral polio vaccine?
517b) Has (name) ever received a pentavalent vaccination, that is, an injection given in the right arm sometimes at the same time as polio drops?
No 2skip to 519b
Don't know 8-skip to 519b
518b) How many times did (name) receive the pentavalent vaccine?
519b) Has (name) ever received a pneumococcal vaccination, that is, an injection in the left thigh to prevent pneumonia?
No 2-skip to 523b
Don't know 8-skip to 523b
520b) How many times did (name) receive the pneumococcal vaccine?
523b) Has (name) ever received a measles vaccination, that is, an injection in the arm to prevent measles?
No 2
Don't know 8
524b) Has (name) ever received a vaccine against yellow fever, that is, an injection in the right thigh to prevent yellow fever?
No 2
Don't know 8
524Ba) Did (name) receive certain vaccines over the past 12 months during a national vaccination campaign (day)?
No 2-skip to 525b
Don't know 8-skip to 525b
524Bb) During which national vaccination campaign did (name) receive the vaccines?
October 2017 2
Other (specify) 6
525b) In the last 7 days was (name) given:
a) a micronutrient powder mix (MNP)?
b) Ready-made dietary supplements like Plumpy Buts?
c) Ready-made dietary supplements like Plumpy Doz?
No 2
Don't know 8
No 2
Don't know 8
No 2
Don't know 8
526b) Check 215 in birth history: any more births in 2014-2017?
No more births in 2014-2017-skip to 601
Section 6. Child health and nutrition
601) Check 224:
No births in 2012-2017-skip to 648
602) Check 215: Enter in the table the birth history number in 603 and the name and survival state in 604 for each birth between 2012-2017. Ask the questions about all of these births. Begin with the last birth. If there are more births, use last column of additional questionnaires.
Now I would like to ask some questions about your children born in the last five years. (We will talk about each separately.)
603) Birth history number from 212 in birth history
Dead-(Go to 646)
605) In the last six months, was (name) given a vitamin A dose like (this/any of these)?
Show common types of ampoules/capsules/syrups.
No 2
Don't know 8
606) In the last seven days, was (name) given iron pills, sprinkles with iron, or iron syrup like (this/any of these)?
Show common types of pills/sprinkles/syrups.
No 2
Don't know 8
607) Was (name) given any drug for intestinal worms in the last six months? [#translator note: Text cuts off, and I filled in based on the standard English. However, there is a reference to a type of worm--"albendazole," that was part of what was cut off]
No 2
Don't know 8
608) Has (name) had diarrhea in the last 2 weeks?
No 2-skip to 618
Don't know -skip to 618
609) Check 464: Currently breastfeeding
If less, probe: Was he/she given much less than usual to drink or somewhat less?
No/Not asked b) Now I would like to know how much (Name) was given to drink during the diarrhea. Was he/she given less than usual to drink, about the same amount, or more than usual to drink?
If less, probe: Was he/she given much less than usual to drink or somewhat less?
Somewhat less 2
About the same 3
More 4
Nothing to drink 5
Don't know 8
610) When (Name) had diarrhea, was (name) given less than usual to eat, about the same amount, more than usual, or nothing to eat?
If less, probe: Was (name) given much less than usual to eat or somewhat less?
Somewhat less 2
About the same 3
More 4
Stopped food 5
Never gave food 6
Don't know 8
611) Did you seek advice or treatment for the diarrhea from any source?
No 2-skip to 615
612) Where did you seek advice or treatment?
Anywhere else?
Probe to identify the type of source.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place(s).
(Name of place(s))
Govt. Health Center B
Clinic C
Fieldworker D
Social center E
Health care worker F
Health care worker/community G
Other public sector (specify) H
Religious hospital J
Private doctor K
Pharmacy L
ABPF (Beninese Association for Families) M
Health care worker (NGO) N
Other private medical (specify) O
Traditional practitioner Q
Market R
Peddler S
Other (specify) X
Only one code circled-skip to 615
614) Where did you first seek advice or treatment?
Use letter code from 612
615) Was (name) given any of the following to drink at any time since (name) started having the diarrhea?
a) A fluid made from a special packet called ORASEL?
b) A government-recommended homemade fluid?
c) Zinc tablets or syrup?
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
616) check 615:
Any "Yes"
a) Was anything else given to treat the diarrhea?
All "No" or "DK"
b) Was anything given to treat the diarrhea?
No 2-skip to 618
Don't know 8-skip to 618
617) Check 615:
Any "Yes" a) What else was given to treat the diarrhea?
Anything else?
All "No" or "DK" b) What was given to treat the diarrhea?
Anything else?
Record all treatments given.
Antimotility B
Other (not antibiotic or antimotility) C
Unknown pill or syrup D
Non-antibiotic F
Unknown injection G
(IV) Intravenous H
Home remedy/Herbal medicine I
Other (specify) X
618) Has (name) been ill with a fever at any time in the last 2 weeks?
No 2-skip to 620
Don't know 8-skip to 620
619) At any time during the illness, did (name) have blood taken from (name)'s finger or heel for testing?
No 2
Don't know 8
620) Has (Name) had an illness with a cough at any time in the last 2 weeks?
No 2
Don't know 8
621) Has (name) had fast, short, rapid breaths or difficulty breathing at any time in the last 2 weeks?
No 2-skip to 623
Don't know 8-skip to 623
622) Was the fast or difficult breathing due to a problem in the chest or to a blocked or runny nose?
Nose only 2
Both 3
Other (specify) 6
Don't know 8
All skip to 624
No or DK --skip to 646
624) Did you seek advice or treatment for the illness from any source?
No 2-skip to 629
625) Where did you seek advice or treatment?
Anywhere else?
Probe to identify each type of source.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place.
(Name of place(s))
Govt. Health Center B
Govt. Clinic C
Mobile clinic D
Health care worker/community E
Other public sector (specify) F
Pharmacy H
Private doctor I
Mobile clinic J
Health care worker/community K
Other private medical (specify) L
Traditional practitioner N
Market O
Peddler P
Other (specify) X
Only one code circled-skip to 628
627) Where did you first seek advice or treatment?
Use letter code from 625
628) How many days after the illness began did you first seek advice or treatment for (name)?
If the same day record 00
629) At any time during the illness, did (name) take any drugs for the illness?
No 2-skip to 646
Don't know 8-skip to 646
630) What drugs did (name) take?
Any other drugs?
Record all mentioned
SP/Fansidar B
Chloroquine C
Amodiaquine D
Injection/IV F
Injection/IV H
Other antimalarial (specify) I
Injection/IV K
Acetaminophen M
Ibuprofen N
Paracetemol O
Other (specify) X
Don't know Z
631) Check 630:
Any code A-J circled?
No --skip to 646
631a) How much did you pay for the drugs and the consultation to treat (name)'s fever?
Record the price is CFA Francs. If more than 99,000 CFA Francs, record 99,000 CFA Francs
Free 99995
Don't know 99998
632) Check 630:
Artemisinin Combination Therapy (A) given
Code A not circled-skip to 634
633) How long after the fever started did (name) first take an artemisinin combination therapy?
Next day 1
Two days after fever 2
Three days or more after fever 3
Don't know 8
634) Check 630:
SP/Fansidar (B) given
Code B not circled-skip to 636
635) How long after the fever started did (name) first take SP/Fansidar?
Next day 1
Two days after fever 2
Three days or more after fever 3
Don't know 8
636) Check 630:
Chloroquine (C) given
Code C not circled-skip to 638
637) How long after the fever started did (name) first take Chloroquine?
Next day 1
Two days after fever 2
Three days or more after fever 3
Don't know 8
638) Check 630:
Amodiaquine (D) given
Code D not circled-skip to 640
639) How long after the fever started did (name) first take Amodiaquine?
Next day 1
Two days after fever 2
Three days or more after fever 3
Don't know 8
640) Check 630:
Quinine (E or F) given
Code E or F not circled-skip to 642
641) How long after the fever started did (name) first take Quinine?
Next day 1
Two days after fever 2
Three days or more after fever 3
Don't know 8
642) Check 630:
Artesunate (G or H) given
Code G or H not circled-skip to 644
643) How long after the fever started did (name) first take Artesunate?
Next day 1
Two days after fever 2
Three days or more after fever 3
Don't know 8
644) Check 630:
Other antimalarial (J) given
Code I not circled-skip to 646
645) How long after the fever started did (name) first take (other antimalarial)?
Next day 1
Two days after fever 2
Three days or more after fever 3
Don't know 8
645a) Is there are charge for the caring of children with malaria in Benin?
No, does not need to be paid 2
Don't know 8
646) Go back to 604 in the next column; or if no more births, go to 647.
647) Check 615(a) and 615(b), all columns:
Any child received fluid from ORS packet (Orasel)-skip to 649
648) Have you ever heard of a special product called Orasel you can get for the treatment of diarrhea?
No 2
649) Check 215 and 218, all rows:
Number of children born in 2015-2017 living with respondent
None-skip to 701
650) Now I would like to ask you about liquids or foods that (name from 649) had yesterday during the day or at night. I am interested in whether your child had the item I mention even if it was combined with other foods.
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
If yes, how many times did (name) drink milk?
If 7 of more times, record 7
Number of times drank milk
No 2
DK 8
If yes, how many times did (name) drink infant formula?
If 7 or more times, record 7
Number of times drank formula
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
If yes, how many times did (name) eat yogurt?
If 7 or more times, record 7
Number of times ate yogurt
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
651) Check 650 (categories g through w)
At least one yes-skip to 653
652) Did (name from 649) eat any solid, semi-solid or soft foods yesterday during the day or at night?
If yes, probe: What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did (name) eat?
No-2-skip to 654
653) How many times did (name from 649) eat solid, semi-solid, or soft foods yesterday during the day or at night?
If 7 or more times, record 7
Don't know 8
654) The last time (name from 649) passed stools, what was done to dispose of the stools?
Put/rinsed into toilet or latrine 02
Put/rinsed into drain or ditch 03
Thrown into garbage 04
Buried 05
Left in the open 06
Other (specify) 96
Section 7. Marriage and sexual activity
Questions and filters
Coding categories
701) Are you currently married or living together with a man as if married?
Yes, living with a man 2-skip to 704
No, not in union 3
702) Have you ever been married or lived together with a man as if married?
Yes, lived with a man 2
No 3-skip to 712
703) What is your current marital status: are you a widow, divorced, or separated?
Divorced 2-skip to 709
Separated 3- skip to 709
704) Is your (husband/partner) living with you now or is he staying elsewhere?
Staying elsewhere 2
705) Record the husband's/partner's name and line number from the household questionnaire. If he is not a listed in the household, record '00'.
Line no._____
706) Does your (husband/partner) have other wives or does he live with other women as if married?
No 2-skip to 709
Don't know 8-skip to 709
707) Including yourself, in total how many wives or live-in partners does he have?
Don't know 98
708) Are you the first, second?wife?
709) Have you been married or have you lived with a man only once or more than once?
More than once 2
710) Check 709:
Married/lived with man only once --a) in what month and year did you start living with your (husband/partner)?
Married/lived with man more than once --b) Now I would like to talk about your first (husband/partner) In what month and year did you start living with him?
Don't know month 98
Year ____ - skip to 712
Don't know year 9998
711) How old were you when you first started living with him?
712) Check for the presence of others. Before continuing, make every effort to ensure privacy.
713) I would like to ask you about your recent sexual activity. Let me assure you again that your answers are completely confidential and will not be told to anyone. If we should come to any question that you don't want to answer, just let me know and we will go to the next question. How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the very first time?
Age in years____
714) I would like to ask you about your recent sexual activity. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?
If less than 12 months, answer must be recorded in days, weeks, or months.
If 12 months (one year) or more, answer must be recorded in years.
Weeks ago 2-skip to 716
Months ago 3-skip to 716
Years ago 4-skip to 727
715) When was the last time you had sexual intercourse with this person?
Weeks ago 2
Months ago 3
716) The last time you had sexual intercourse (with this second/third) person, was a condom used?
No 2-skip to 718
717) Was a condom used every time you had sexual intercourse with this person in the last 12 months?
No 2
718) What was your relationship to this person with whom you had sexual intercourse?
If boyfriend: Were you living together as if married?
If yes, circle 2
If no, circle 3
Live-in partner 2
Boyfriend not living with respondent 3
Casual acquaintance 4
Client/Sex worker 5
Other (specify) 6
719) How long ago did you first have sexual intercourse with this person?
Weeks ago 2
Months ago 3
Years ago 4
720) How many times during the last 12 months did you have sexual intercourse with this person?
If non-numeric answer, probe to get an estimate. If number of times if 95 or more, record 95.
Don't know 98
722) Apart from this person, have you had sexual intercourse with any other persons in the last 12 months?
No 2 --(skip to 724)
723) In total, how many different people have you had sexual intercourse with in the last 12 months?
If non-numeric answer, probe to get an estimate.
If number of partners is greater than 95, write 95
Don't know 98
Age 25-49-skip to 727
Currently married/living with a man-skip to 727
726) In the past 12 months have you had sex or been sexually involved with anyone because he gave you or told you he would give you gifts, cash, or anything else?
No 2
727) In total, how many different people have you had sexual intercourse with in your lifetime?
If non-numeric answer, probe to get an estimate.
If number of partners is greater than 95, write 95
Don't know 98
728) Check 716, most recent partner (first column):
No, condom not used-skip to 731
Not asked-skip to 731
729) You told me that a condom was used the last time you had sex. What is the brand name of condom you used at that time?
If brand not known, ask to see the package.
Cool 02
No Logo 03
Other (specify) 96
Don't know 98
730) From where did you obtain the condom the last time?
Probe to identify the type of source.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place
(Name of place)
Govt. Health Center 12
Mobile clinic 14
Fieldworker 15
Other public sector (specify) 16
Pharmacy 22
Private doctor 23
Mobile clinic 24
Religious hospital 25
Other private medical (specify) 26
Church 42
Friend/relative 43
Other (specify) 96
731) Presence of others during this section.
No 2
No 2
No 2
Section 8. Fertility preferences
Questions and filters
Coding categories
He or she sterilized --skip to 813
Not pregnant or unsure --skip to 804
803) Now I have some questions about the future. After the child you are expecting now, would you like to have another child, or would you prefer not to have any more children?
No more 2-skip to 812
Undecided/don't know 8-skip to 812
804) Now I have some question about the future. Would you like to have (a/another) child, or would you prefer not to have any (more) children?
No more/none 2-skip to 807
Says she can't get pregnant 3-skip to 813
Undecided/don't know --skip to 811
805) Check 226:
Not pregnant or not sure- a) How long would you like to wait from now before the birth of (a/another) child?
Pregnant- b) After the birth of this child you are expecting now, how long would you like to wait before the birth of another child?
Years 2
Soon/now 993-skip to 811
Says she can't get pregnant 994-skip to 813
After marriage 995
Other (specify) 996
Don't know 998
995-998-skip to 811
Pregnant-skip to 812
807) Check 303:
Using a contraceptive method?
Currently using-skip to 813
Not asked
00-23 months or 00-01 year-skip to 812
809) Check 714:
Days, weeks or months ago
Not asked-skip to 811
810) Check 804:
Wants to have a/another child--a) You have said that you do not want (a/another) child soon. Can you tell me why you are not using a method to prevent pregnancy?
Any other reason?
Wants no more/none--b) You have said that you do not want any (more) children. Can you tell me why you are not using a method to prevent pregnancy?
Any other reason?
Record all reasons mentioned.
Infrequent sex C
Menopausal/hysterectomy D
Can't get pregnant E
Not menstruated since last birth F
Breastfeeding G
Up to God/Fatalistic H
Husband/partner opposed J
Others opposed K
Religious prohibition L
Knows no source N
Lack of access/too far P
Costs too much Q
Preferred method not available R
No method available S
Inconvenient to use T
Interferes with body's normal processes U
Other (specify) X
Don't know Z
811) Check 303: Using a contraceptive method?
No, not currently using
Yes, currently using-skip to 813
812) Do you think you will use a method to delay or avoid pregnancy at any time in the future?
No 2
Don't know 8
813) Check 216:
Has living children- a) If you could go back to the time you did not have any children and could choose exactly the number of children to have in your whole life, how many would that be?
No living children- b) If you could choose exactly the number of children to have in your whole life, how many would that be?
Probe for a numeric response.
Other (specify) 96-skip to 815
814) How many of these children would you like to be boys, how many would you like to be girls, and for how many would it not matter if it's a boy or a girl?
Other (specify) 96
815) In the last few months have you:
No 2
No 2
No 2
No 2
No 2
No 2
No 2
No 2
No 2
816) In your opinion, it is acceptable or not to talk about family planning:
Not acceptable 2
Not acceptable 2
Not acceptable 2
Not acceptable 2
Not acceptable 2
Not acceptable 2
Not acceptable 2
Not acceptable 2
Not acceptable 2
Yes, currently living with a man
No, not in union-skip to 901
818) Check 303: Using a contraceptive method?
Not currently using or not asked-skip to 820
Not asked --skip to 822
819) Would you say that using contraception is mainly your decision, mainly your (husband's/partner's) decision, or did you both decide together?
Mainly husband/partner 2
Joint decision 3
Other (specify) 6
All skip to 821
820) Would you say that not using contraception is mainly your decision, mainly your (husband's/partner's) decision, or did you both decide together?
Mainly husband/partner 2
Joint decision 3
Other (specify) 6
He or she sterilized --skip to 901
822) Does your (husband/partner) want the same number of children that you want, or does he want more or fewer than you want?
More children 2
Fewer children 3
Don't know 8
Section 9. Husband's background and woman's work
Questions and filters
Coding categories
No in union-skip to 909
902) How old was your (husband/partner) on his last birthday?
903) Did your (last) (husband/partner) ever attend school?
No 2-skip to 906
904) What is the highest level of school you attended: primary, secondary 1st cycle, secondary 2nd cycle, or higher?
Secondary 1st cycle 2
Secondary 2nd cycle 3
Higher 4
905) What is the highest (grade/year) you completed at this level?
If completed less than one year at that level, record 00
Don't know 98
906) Has your (husband/partner) done any work in the last 7 days?
No 2
Don't know 8
907) Has your (husband/partner) done any work in the last 12 months?
No 2-skip to 909
Don't know 8-skip to 909
908) at is your (husband's/partner's) occupation? That is, what kind of work does he mainly do?
909) Aside from your own housework, have you done any work in the last seven days?
No 2
910) As you know, some women take up jobs for which they are paid in cash or kind. Others sell things, have a small business or work on the family farm or in the family business. In the last seven days, have you done any of these things or any other work?
No 2
911) Although you did not work in the last seven days, do you have any job or business from which you were absent for leave, illness, vacation, maternity leave, or any other such reason?
No 2
912) Have you done any work in the last 12 months?
No-2 Skip to 917
913) What is your occupation, that is, what kind of work do you mainly do?
914) Do you do this work for a member of your family, for someone else, or are you self-employed?
For someone else 2
Self-employed 3
915) Do you usually work throughout the year, or do you work seasonally, or only once in a while?
Seasonally/Part of the year 2
Once in a while 3
916) Are you paid or do you ear in cash or in kind for this work or are you not paid at all?
Cash and kind 2
In kind only 3
Not paid 4
Not in union-skip to 925
Other-skip to 921
919) Who usually decides how the money you earn will be used: you, your (husband/partner), or you and your (husband/partner) jointly?
Husband/partner 2
Respondent and husband/partner jointly 3
Other (specify) 6
920) Would you say that the money that you earn is more than what your (husband/partner) earns, less than what he earns, or about the same?
Less than him 2
About the same 3
Husband/partner has no earnings 4-skip to 922
Don't know 8
921) Who usually decides how the money your (husband/partner) earnings will be used: you, your (husband/partner), or you and your (husband/partner) jointly?
Husband/partner 2
Respondent and husband/partner jointly 3
Husband has no earnings 4
Other (specify) 6
922) Who usually makes decisions about health care for yourself: you, your (husband/partner), you and your (husband/partner) jointly, or someone else?
Husband/partner 2
Respondent and husband/partner jointly 3
Someone else 4
Other (specify) 6
923) Who usually makes decisions about making major household purchases?
Husband/partner 2
Respondent and husband/partner jointly 3
Someone else 4
Other (specify) 6
924) Who usually makes decisions about visits to your family or relatives?
Husband/partner 2
Respondent and husband/partner jointly 3
Someone else 4
Other (specify) 6
925) Do you own this or any other house either alone or jointly with someone else?
Jointly only 2
Both alone and jointly 3
Does not own 4-skip to 928
926) Do you have a title deed for any house you own?
No 2-skip to 928
Don't know --skip to 928
927) Is your name on the title deed?
No 2
Don't know 8
928) Do you own any agricultural or non-agricultural land either alone or jointly with someone else?
Jointly only 2
Both alone and jointly 3
Does not own 4-skip to 931
929) Do you have a title deed for any land you own?
No 2-skip to 931
Don't know 8-skip to 931
930) Is your name on the title deed?
No 2
Don't know 8
931) Presence of others at this point (present and listening, present but not listening, or not present)
Pres./Not listen 2
Not pres. 3
Pres./Not listen 2
Not pres. 3
Pres./Not listen 2
Not pres. 3
Pres./Not listen 2
Not pres. 3
932) In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations:
If she goes out without telling him?
If she neglects the children?
If she argues with him?
If she refuses to have sex with him?
If she burns the food?
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
Questions and filters
Coding categories
1000) Check the cover page: Household selected for men's questionnaire?
Household not selected for men's questionnaire-skip to 1500
1001) Now I would like to talk about something else.
Have you ever heard of HIV or AIDS?
No 2-skip to 1042
1002) HIV is the virus that can lead to AIDS. Can people reduce their chance of getting HIV by having just one uninfected sex partner who has no other sex partners?
No 2
Don't know 8
1003) Can people get HIV from mosquito bites?
No 2
Don't know 8
1004) Can people reduce their chance of getting HIV by using a condom every time they have sex?
No 2
Don't know 8
1005) Can people get HIV by sharing food with a person who has HIV?
No 2
Don't know 8
1006) Can people get HIV because of witchcraft or other supernatural means?
No 2
Don't know 8
1007) Is it possible for a healthy-looking person to have HIV?
No 2
Don't know 8
1008) Can HIV be transmitted from a mother to a baby?
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
Other-skip to 1011
1010) Are there any special drugs that a doctor or a nurse can give to a woman infected with HIV to reduce the risk of transmission to the baby?
No 2
DK 8
No births --skip to 1027
Last birth in 2014 or later-skip to 1027
1012) Check 408 for last birth
No antenatal care-skip to 1020
1013) Check for presence of others, before continuing, make every effort to ensure privacy.
1014) During any of the antenatal visits for your last birth were you given any information about:
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
No 2
DK 8
1015) Were you offered a test for HIV as part of your antenatal care?
No 2
1016) I don't want to know the results, but were you tested for HIV as part of your antenatal care?
No 2-skip to 1020
1017) Where was the test done?
Probe to identify the type of source and circle the appropriate code.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place
(Name of place)
Govt. Health Center 12
Stand-Alone HTC Center 13
Family planning clinic 14
Mobile HTC Services 15
Other public sector (specify) 16
Stand-Alone HTC Center 22
Pharmacy 23
Mobile HTC Services 24
Other private medical (specify) 26
Workplace 32
Correctional facility 33
Other (specify) 96
1018) I don't want to know the results, but did you get the results of the test?
No 2-skip to 1020
1019) All women are supposed to receive counseling after being tested. After you were tested, did you receive counseling?
No 2
Don't know 8
1020) Check 430 for last birth
Other-skip to 1026
1021) Between the time you went for delivery but before the baby was born, were you offered a test for HIV?
No 2
1022) I don't want to know the results, but were you tested for HIV at that time?
No 2-skip to 1024
1023) I don't want to know the results, but did you get the results of the test?
No 2-skip to 1025
No or not asked-skip to 1027
1025) Have you been tested for HIV since that time you were tested during your pregnancy?
No 2
1026) How many months ago was your most recent HIV test?
Two or more year ago 95
All skip to 1033
1027) I don't want to know the results, but have you ever been tested for HIV?
No 2-skip to 1031
1028) How many months ago was your most recent HIV test?
Two or more years ago 95
1029) I don't want to know the results, but did you get the results of the test?
No 2
1030) Where was the test done?
Probe to identify the type of source and circle the appropriate code.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place
(Name of place)
Govt. Health Center 12
Stand-Alone HTC Center 13
Family planning clinic 14
Mobile HTC Services 15
Other public sector (specify) 16
Stand-Alone HTC Center 22
Pharmacy 23
Mobile HTC Services 24
Other private medical (specify) 26
Workplace 32
Correctional facility 33
Other (specify) 96
[##translator note: The language was a bit confused in the French version for option 14-16 and 26, so I used what was in the standard English version and in the previous question with a similar response set.]
1031) Do you know of a place where people can go to get an HIV test?
No 2-skip to 1033
1032) Where is that?
Any other place?
Probe to identify the type of source and circle the appropriate code.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place
(Name of place)
Govt. Health Center B
Stand-Alone HTC Center C
Family planning clinic D
Mobile HTC Services E
Other public sector (specify) F
Stand-Alone HTC Center H
Pharmacy I
Mobile HTC Services J
Other private medical (specify) K
Other (specify) X
1033) Have you heard of test kits people can use to test themselves for HIV?
No 2-skip to 1035
1034) Have you ever tested yourself for HIV using a self-test kit?
No 2
1035) Would you buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeper or vendor if you knew that this person had HIV?
No 2
Don't know/Not sure/Depends 8
1036) Do you think children living with HIV should be allowed to attend school with children who do not have HIV?
No 2
Don't know/Not sure/Depends 8
1037) Do you think people hesitate to take an HIV test because they are afraid of how other people will react if the test results is positive for HIV?
No 2
Don't know/Not sure/Depends 8
1038) Do people talk badly about people living with HIV, or who are thought to be living with HIV?
No 2
Don't know/Not sure/Depends 8
1039) Do people living with HIV, or thought to be living with HIV, lose the respect of other people?
No 2
Don't know/Not sure/Depends 8
1040) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: I would be ashamed if someone in my family had HIV.
Disagree 2
Don't know/Not sure/Depends 8
1041) Do you fear that you could get HIV if you come into contact with the saliva of a person living with HIV?
No 2
Says she has HIV 3
Don't know/not sure/depends 8
1042) Check 1001:
Heard about HIV or AIDS- a) Apart from AIDS, have you heard about other infections that can be transmitted through sexual contact?
Not heard about HIV or AIDS- b) Have you heard about infections that can be transmitted through sexual contact?
No 2
Never had sexual intercourse-skip to 1051
1044) Check 1042: Heard about other sexually transmitted infections?
No --skip to 1046
1045) Now I would like to ask you some questions about your health in the last 12 months. During the last 12 months, have you had a disease which you got through sexual contact?
No 2
Don't know 8
1046) Sometimes women experience a bad-smelling abnormal genital discharge. During the last 12 months, have you had a bad-smelling abnormal genital discharge?
No 2
Don't know 8
1047) Sometimes women have a genital sore or ulcer. During the last 12 months, have you had a genital sore or ulcer?
No 2
Don't know 8
1048) Check 1045, 1046, and 1047:
Has not had an infection or does not know-skip to 1051
1049) The last time you had (problem from 1045/1046/1047), did you seek any kind of advice or treatment?
No 2-skip to 1051
1050) Where did you go?
Any other place?
Probe to identify the type of source.
If unable to determine if public or private sector, write the name of the place
(Name of place)
Govt. Health Center B
Stand-Alone HTC Center C
Family planning clinic D
Mobile HTC Services E
Other public sector (specify) F
Stand-Alone HTC Center H
Pharmacy I
Mobile HTC Services J
Other private medical (specify) K
Other (specify) X
1051) If a wife knows her husband has a disease that she can get during sexual intercourse, is she justified in asking that they use a condom when they have sex?
No 2
Don't know 8
1052) Is a wife justified in refusing to have sex with her husband when she knows he has sex with other women?
No 2
Don't know 8
Not in union-skip to 1401
1054) Can you say no to your (husband/partner) if you do not want to have sexual intercourse?
No 2
Depends/not sure 8
1055) Can you ask your (husband/partner) to use a condom if you wanted him to?
No 2
Depends/not sure 8
Section 11. Other health issues
Questions and filters
Coding categories
1101) Now I would like to ask you some other questions relating to health matters. Have you had an injection for any reason in the last 12 months?
If yes: How many injections have you had?
If number of injections is 90 or more, or daily for 3 months or more, record 90.
If non-numeric answer, probe to get an estimate.
None 00-skip to 1104
1102) Among these injections, how many were administered by a doctor, a nurse, a pharmacist, a dentist, or another healthcare worker?
If the number of injections is over 90 or if there were daily injections in the last 3 months or longer, record 90.
If the response is not numeric, probe to obtain an estimate.
None-00-skip to 1104
1103) The last time you got an injection from a health worker, did he/she take the syringe and needle from a new, unopened package?
No 2
Don't know 8
1104) Do you currently smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?
Some days 2-skip to 1106
Not at all 3-skip to 1106
1105) On average, how many cigarettes do you currently smoke each day?
1106) Do you currently smoke or use any other type of tobacco every day, some days, or not at all?
Some days 2-skip to 1108
Not at all 3-skip to 1108
1107) What (other) type of tobacco do you currently smoke or use?
Record all mentioned.
Cigars C
Water Pipe D
Snuff by mouth E
Snuff by nose F
Chewing Tobacco G
Betel Quid with Tobacco H
Other (specify) X
1108) Many different factors can prevent women from getting medical advice or treatment for themselves. When you are sick and want to get medical advice or treatment, is each of the following a big problem or not?
Not a big problem 2
Not a big problem 2
Not a big problem 2
Not a big problem 2
1109) Are you covered by health insurance?
No 2-skip to 1112
1110) What type of health insurance are you covered by? Record all mentioned.
Health insurance through employer B
Social security C
Other privately purchased commercial health insurance D
Other (specify) X
1112) Check cover of questionnaire
Household not selected for men's questionnaire-skip to 1201
30-49 years 2
1114) Can I measure your blood pressure?
Respondent signature
No, respondent doesn't accept 2-skip to 1201
1115) Read the blood pressure measurement.
Record the systolic and diastolic measurements.
If you cannot measure the respondent's blood pressure, record the reason.
Refused 994
Technical problems 995
Other 996
Section 12. Development of young child
Questions and filters
Coding categories
1201) Check 217 and 218: All children age 0-4 living with his or her mother?
No --skip to 1301
1202) Check 217 and 218: Select the youngest child age 0-4 living with his or her mother and record his or her name and line number.
Line number of the youngest child from Q 219
1203) Read to the respondent:
Now, I would like to ask you some questions about (name of child in 1202), your youngest child from 0-4 living with you.
1204) How many children's books and picture books do you have for (name)?
Number of children's books 0_
Ten or more book 10
1205) I would like to ask you what objects (name) uses to play with while at home.
Does he/she play with:
No 2
Don't know 8
No 2
Don't know 8
No 2
Don't know 8
If the respondent says "yes" to one of the above categories, probe to determine precisely what the child plays with to be certain of the response.
1206) Sometimes the adults who take care of the children have to leave the house to go shopping, do the laundry, or for other reasons and have to leave the young children.
During the last week, how many days was (name):
1207) Check 217: Age of the child
3 or 4 year old child-skip to 1301
1208) Check 217 and 218: If other children age 3-4 living with their mother?
No-skip to 1301
1208a) Check 217 and 218: Select the youngest child of 3 or 4 years living with his or her month and write the child's name and line number.
Line number of youngest 3-4 year old child from Q 219
1209) Is (name) in a preschool education program or an early learning class, in a public or private establishment, including nursery school or a community child-care center?
No 2
Don't know 8
1210) During the last three days did you or a member of your family age 15 or older participate with (name) in one of the following activities:
If yes, ask: Who participated in this activity with (name)?
Circle all mentioned.
Father B
Other person X
No one Y
Father B
Other person X
No one Y
Father B
Other person X
No one Y
Father B
Other person X
No one Y
Father B
Other person X
No one Y
Father B
Other person X
No one Y
1211) Now I would like to ask you some questions about the health and development of your child. Children do not all develop in the same manner and at the same speed. Some, for example, walk earlier than others. These questions relate to several aspects of your child's development.
Does (name) know or can he/she recite at least ten letters from the alphabet?
No 2
DK 8
1212) Can (name) read at least four simple, common words?
No 2
DK 8
1213) Can (name) list and recognize all digits from 1 to 10?
No 2
DK 8
1214) Can (name) grasp with two fingers a small object from the ground, like a stick or a pebble?
No 2
DK 8
1215) Is (name) ever too sick to play?
No 2
DK 8
1216) Is (name) able to follow simple instructions to do something correctly?
No 2
DK 8
1217) When you give (name) something to do, is he/she able to do it independently?
No 2
DK 8
1218) Does (name) get along well with other children?
No 2
DK 8
1219) Does (name) kick, bit, or hit other children or adults?
No 2
DK 8
1220) Is (name) easily distracted?
No 2
DK 8
Section 13. Adult and maternal mortality
Questions and filters
Coding categories
1301) Now I would like to ask you some questions about your brothers and sisters, that is, all of the children born to your natural mother, including those who live with you, those who live elsewhere, and those who are dead. We have learned in previous surveys that it can be hard to create a complete list of all children born to your natural mother. We will work together to create a complete list and to help you remember all your brothers and sisters. Can you now give me the names of all your brothers and sisters born to your natural mother?
Order number
Not a single brother or sister listed-skip to 1304
1303) Read their names to the respondent, and after the last one, ask: Are there any other brothers or sisters from the same mother that you didn't list?
Yes-Record the other brothers and sisters in 1301
1304) Sometimes people forget to list children of their natural mother because they do not live with them or because they don't see each other very often. Are there brothers or sisters that do not live with you that you didn't list?
Yes-Record the other brothers and sisters in 1301
1305) Sometimes people forget to list children of their biological mother because they are dead. Do you have any brothers and sisters who are dead who you did not list?
Yes-Record the other brothers and sisters in 1301
1306) Sometimes people have brothers or sisters from the same mother but from a different father. Are there any brothers or sisters born of your natural mother but who have a different natural father who you did not list?
Yes-Record the other brothers and sisters in 1301
1307) Count the number of brothers or sisters recorded in 1301
1308) Check 1307:
Just to make sure that I've understood, not including yourself, your mother gave birth to _____ children total. Is that correct?
No-Probe and correct 1301 and or 1307
Not a single brother or sister list-skip to 1401
1410) Please tell me which brother or sister was born first? At who was the next?
Record 01 for the order number in 1301 for the first brother or sister, 02 for the second, and so on until you have recorded order numbers for all brothers and sisters.
1311) How many births did your mother have before your own birth?
1312) Record the brother and sisters according to the order number from 1301. Ask 1313 through 1324 for one brother or sister before moving to the next brother or sister. If there are more than 12 brothers and sisters, use a supplementary questionnaire.
1313) Name of brother or sister
1314) Is (NAME) male or female?
Female 2
No 2-go to 1317
DK 8-go to [2,3,4, etc]
1317) How many years ago did (NAME) die?
1318) How old was (NAME) when he/she died?
If don't know, probe and ask questions to obtain an estimate.
If man, or if woman died before age 12, go to 1323.
1319) Was (NAME) pregnant when she died?
No 2
1320) Did (NAME) die during childbirth?
No 2
1321) Did (Name) die within two months after the end of a pregnancy or childbirth?
No 2-skip to 1323
1322) How many days after the end of (name)'s pregnancy did she die?
1323) Was (name)'s death the result of a violent act?
No 2
1324) Was (name)'s death the result of an accident?
No 2
Go to [2,3,4,etc]
If no other brothers of sister, go to next section.
[##translator note: questions repeated for child 7-12 to accommodate larger families]
Section 14. Non-communicable diseases for women's questionnaire
Questions and filters
Coding categories
Skip to
1401) Has a doctor or other health care professional taken your blood pressure?
No 2
Don't know 8
1402) Has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you have elevated or high blood pressures?
No 2-skip to 1408
1403) In the last 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional that you have elevated or high blood pressure?
No 2
1404) Has a doctor or other health care professional prescribed drugs to control your blood pressure?
No 2
1405) Are you currently taking drugs to control your blood pressure?
No 2
1406) Has a doctor or other health care professional measured the level of sugar in your blood?
No 2
Don't know 8
1407) Has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you have high levels of sugar in your blood, or that you have diabetes?
No 2-skip to 1411
1408) In the last 12 months, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you have high levels of sugar in your blood, or that you have diabetes?
No 2
1409) Has a doctor or other health care professional prescribed drugs to control the levels of sugar in your blood or to control diabetes?
No 2
1410) Are you currently taking drugs to control the level of sugar in your blood or to control diabetes?
No 2
1411) Has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you have heart disease or a chronic heart problem?
No 2
1412) Are you currently in treatment for heart disease or a chronic heart problem?
No 2
1413) Has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you have a pulmonary illness or a chronic pulmonary problem like asthma?
No 2
1414) Are you currently undergoing treatment for a pulmonary illness or a chronic pulmonary problem?
No 2
1415) Has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you have cancer or a tumor?
No 2 --skip to 1417
1416) Are you currently undergoing treatment for cancer or a tumor?
No 2
1417) Has a doctor or other health care professional told you have depression?
No 2 --skip to 1419
1418) Are you currently undergoing treatment for depression?
No 2
1419) Has a doctor or other health care professional told you that have arthritis?
No 2 --skip to 1421
1420) Are you currently undergoing treatment for arthritis?
No 2
1421) Has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you have another chronic illness, meaning an illness that lasts a long time?
(Specify chronic illness)
No 2 --skip to 1423
1422) Are you currently undergoing treatment for (chronic illness from 1421)?
No 2
1423) Have you ever heard of cervical cancer?
No 2 --skip to 1425
1424) Have you heard of tests to detect cervical cancer?
No 2
1425) Now I will ask you questions about the tests that a health care professional can do to detect cervical cancer. The cervix is what connects the uterus to the vagina. To test for cervical cancer, we ask that a woman lie down on her back while spreading her legs apart. Next, using a small brush or a cotton swab, the health care professional takes a sample from the inside of the uterus. The sample is sent to a lab for testing. This test is called a Pap smear or an HPV test. There is another method called VIA or Visual Inspection with ascetic acid. During this test, the health care professional applies diluted vinegar to the cervix to see if a reaction occurs.
1426) Has a doctor or other health care professional ever tested you for cervical cancer?
No 2 --skip to 1430
Don't know 8-skip to 1430
1427) When was your last cervical cancer test?
If less than a year, record 00.
Don't know 98
1428) What was the result of your last cervical cancer test?
Abnormal/positive 2
Inconclusive 3-skip to 1430
Didn't receive results 4-skip to 1430
Don't know --skip to 1430
1429) Did you undergo treatment for the cervix or did you have follow-up visits as a result of the test results?
No 2
Don't know 8
Systolic and diastolic blood pressure not recorded in q 123d and q 1115-skip to 1436
1431) Record and calculate the average systolic and diastolic blood pressure from q123d and q1115.
1432) Blood pressure measurement from Q123d
1433) Blood pressure measurement form Q1115
Diastolic total
Average diastolic
Skip to 1440
Systolic and diastolic blood pressure recorded in Q 123d --skip to 1439
Systolic and diastolic blood pressure recorded in Q 1115-skip to 1439
Systolic and diastolic blood pressure not recorded in Q 106f --skip to 1500
1439) Record the systolic and diastolic blood pressure
1440) Use the table below to determine the correct code to record the report on blood pressure and the reference form.
Circle the line where you find the value of the systolic pressure from Q1435 or Q1439.
Next, circle the column with the value of the diastolic pressure from Q1435 or Q1439.
The value found at the intersection of the line and the column circled in the table should be used to compete Q1441.
1441) In the table below, record the number that you circled in Q1440. Next use the instructions to the right of this number to complete the report on blood pressure and the reference form for the respondent. Give the respondent the formula and answer any questions.
Category of blood pressure for respondent/Consult a health care professional to check blood pressure in:
2/slightly higher than normal/12 months
3/higher than normal/2 months
4/moderately high/1 month
5/very high/7 days
6/extremely high/today
Questions and filters
Coding categories
1500) Check cover page: household and woman selected for domestic violence?
Household and woman not selected-skip to 1533
1501) Check for presence of others:
Do not continue until privacy is ensured.
Privacy not possible 2-skip to 1532
1501a) Read to the respondent:
Now I would like to ask you questions about some other important aspects of a woman's life. You may find some of these questions very personal. However, your answers are crucial for helping to understand the condition of women in Benin. Let me assure you that your answers are completely confidential and will not be told to anyone and no one else in your household will know that you were asked these questions. If I ask you a question you do not want to answer, let me know and I will skip to the next question.
Formerly married/lived with a man (Read in past tense and use 'last' with husband/partner)
Never married/never lived with a man-skip to 1516
1503) First, I am going to ask you about some situations which happen to some women. Please tell me if these apply to your relationship with your (last) (husband/partner).
No 2
Don't know 8
No 2
Don't know 8
No 2
Don't know 8
No 2
Don't know 8
No 2
Don't know 8
1504) Now if you will permit me, I need to ask some more questions about your relationship with your (last) husband/partner.
a) (Does/did) your (last) (husband/partner) ever:
b) How often did this happen during the last 12 months: often, only sometimes, or not in the last 12 months?
No 2
Often 1
Sometimes 2
Not in the last 12 months 3
No 2
Often 1
Sometimes 2
Not in the last 12 months 3
No 2
Often 1
Sometimes 2
Not in the last 12 months 3
1505) a) Did your (last) (husband/partner) ever do any of the following things to you:
b) How often did this happen during the last 12 months: often, only sometimes, or not in the last 12 months?
No 2
Often 1
Sometimes 2
Not in the last 12 months 3
No 2
Often 1
Sometimes 2
Not in the last 12 months 3
No 2
Often 1
Sometimes 2
Not in the last 12 months 3
No 2
Often 1
Sometimes 2
Not in the last 12 months 3
No 2
Often 1
Sometimes 2
Not in the last 12 months 3
No 2
Often 1
Sometimes 2
Not in the last 12 months 3
No 2
Often 1
Sometimes 2
Not in the last 12 months 3
No 2
Often 1
Sometimes 2
Not in the last 12 months 3
No 2
Often 1
Sometimes 2
Not in the last 12 months 3
No 2
Often 1
Sometimes 2
Not in the last 12 months 3
Not a single yes-skip to 1509
1507) How long after you (first got married to/started living with) your (last) (husband/partner) did this or any of these things first happen?
If less than one year, record 00.
Before marriage/before living together 95
1508) Did the following ever happen as a result of what your (last) (husband/partner), did to you:
No 2
No 2
No 2
1509) Have you ever hit, slapped, kicked or done anything else to physically hurt your (last) (husband/partner) at times when he was not already beating or physically hurting you?
No 2-skip to 1511
1510) In the last 12 months, how often have you done this to your (last) (husband/partner): often, only sometimes, or not at all?
Sometimes 2
Not at all 3
1511) Does (did) your (husband/partner) drink alcohol?
No 2 -skip to 1513
1512) How often does (did) he get drunk: often, only sometimes, or never?
Sometimes 2
Never 3
1513) Are (were) you afraid of your (last) (husband/partner): many times, sometimes, or never?
Sometimes afraid 2
Never afraid 3
Married only once-skip to 1516
1515) a) So far we have been talking about the behavior of your (current/last) (husband/partner). Now I want to ask you about the behavior of any previous (husband/partner).
b) How long ago did this last happen?
a) Did any previous (husband/partner) ever hit, slap, kick or do anything else to hurt you physically?
No 2
No 2
No 2
No 2
b) Did any previous (husband/partner) physically force you to have intercourse or perform any other sexual acts against your will?
No 2
No 2
No 2
No 2
c) Did any previous (husband/partner) humiliate you in front of others, threaten to hurt or harm you or someone you care about, insult you or make you feel bad about yourself?
No 2
No 2
No 2
No 2
1516) Check 701 and 702:
Ever married/ever lived with a man:
From the time you were 15 years old has anyone other than (your/any) (husband/partner) hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt you physically?
Never married/never lived with a man:
From the time you were 15 years old has anyone hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt you physically?
No 2-skip to 1519
Refused to answer/no answer 6-skip to 1519
1517) Who has physically hurt you in this way?
Anyone else?
Record all mentioned
Father/Mother's husband B
Sister/Brother C
Daughter/Son D
Other relative E
Current boyfriend F
Ex-boyfriend G
Mother-in-law H
Father-in-law I
Other in-laws J
Teacher K
Employer/someone at work L
Police/soldier M
Other (specify) X
1518) In the last 12 months, how often has (this person/have these persons) physically hurt you: often, only sometimes, or not at all?
Sometimes 2
Not at all 3
1519) Check 201, 226, and 230:
Never been pregnant-skip to 1522
1520) Has anyone ever hit, slapped, kicked or done anything else to hurt you physically while you were pregnant?
No 2 -skip to 1522
1521) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant?
Anyone else?
Record all mentioned
Mother/Step-mother B
Father/Step-father C
Sister/Brother D
Daughter/Son E
Other relative F
Former husband/partner G
Current boyfriend H
Ex-boyfriend I
Mother-in-law J
Father-in-law K
Other in-laws L
Teacher M
Employer/someone at work N
Police/soldier O
Other (specify) X
Never married/never lived with a man-skip to 1522b
1522a) Now I want to ask you about things that may have been done to you by someone other than (your/any) (husband/partner).
At any time in your life, as a child or as an adult, has anyone ever forced you in any way to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts when you did not want to?
No 2-skip to 1524a
Refused to answer/no answer 3-skip to 1524a
1522b) At any time in your life, as a child or as an adult, has anyone ever forced you in any way to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts when you did not want to?
No 2-skip to 1526
Refused to answer/no answer 3-skip to 1526
1523) Who was the person who was forcing you the first time?
Former husband/ partner 02
Current/former boyfriend 03
Father/Step-Father 04
Brother/step-brother 05
Other relative 06
In-law 07
Own friend/acquaintance 08
Family friend 09
Teacher 10
Employer/someone at work 11
Police/soldier 12
Priest/religious leader 13
Stranger 14
Other (specify) 96
1524) Check 701 and 702:
Ever married/ever lived with a man: In the last 12 months, has anyone other than (your/any) (husband/partner) physically forced you to have sexual intercourse when you did not want to?
Never married/never lived with a man: In the last 12 months, has anyone physically forced you to have sexual intercourse when you did not want to?
No 2-skip to 1525
1524a) Check 1505a (h-j) and 1515a(b):
Not a single yes-skip to 1526
1525) Check 701 and 702:
Ever married/ever lived with a man: How old were you the first time someone including (your/any) (husband/partner) forced you to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual?
Never married/never lived with a man: How old were you the first time someone forced you to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts?
Don't know 98
1526) Check 1505 (a-j), 1515 (a,b), 1516, 1520, 1522a, and 1522b:
Not a single yes-skip to 1530
1527) Thinking about what you yourself have experienced among the different things we have been talking about, have you ever tried to seek help?
No 2-skip to 1529
1528) From whom have you sought help?
Anyone else?
Record all mentioned.
Husband's/partner's family B
Current/former husband/partner C
Current/former boyfriend D
Friend E
Neighbor F
Religious leader G
Doctor/medical personnel H
Police I
Lawyer J
Social service organization K
Other (specify) X
All skip to 1530
1529) Have you ever told anyone about this?
No 2
1530) As far as you know, did your father ever beat your mother?
No 2
Don't know 8
Thank the respondent for her cooperation and reassure her about the confidentiality of her answers. Fill out the questions below with reference to the domestic violence module only.
1531) Did you have to interrupt the interview because some adult was trying to listen, or came into the room, or interfered in any other way?
Yes, more than once 2
No 3
Yes, more than once 2
No 3
Yes, more than once 2
No 3
1532) Interviewer's comments/explanation for not completing the domestic violence module
Interviewer's observations
To be filled in after completing interview
Comments about respondent:
Comments on specific questions:
Any other comments:
Supervisor's observations
Editor's observations
Only one code should appear in any box
Column 1 requires a code in every month.
Information to be coded for each column.
Column 1: Births, Pregnancies, Contraceptive Use
B Birth
P Pregnancies
T Terminations
0 No method
1 Female sterilization
2 Male sterilization
4 Injectables
5 Implants
6 Pill
7 Condom
8 Female condom
9 Emergency contraception
J Standard Days Method
K Lactational Amenorrhea Method
L Rhythm method
M Withdrawal
X Other modern method
Y Other traditional method
Column 2: Discontinuation of contraceptive use
0 Infrequent sex/husband away
1 Became pregnant while using
2 Wanted to become pregnant
3 Husband/partner disapproved
4 Wanted more effective method
5 Side effects/health concerns
6 Lack of access/too far
7 Costs too much
8 Inconvenient to use
F Up to God/Fatalist
A Difficult to get pregnant/menopausal
D Marital dissolution/separation
X Other (specify)
Z Don't know
Column 1 Column 2
2017 (1)
12 Dec 01
11 Nov 02
10 Oct 03
09 Sept 04
08 Aug 05
07 Jul 06
06 Jun 07
05 May 08
04 Apr 09
03 Mar 10
02 Feb 11
01 Jan 12
12 Dec 13
11 Nov 14
10 Oct 15
09 Sept 16
08 Aug 17
07 Jul 18
06 Jun 19
05 May 20
04 Apr 21
03 Mar 22
02 Feb 23
01 Jan 24
12 Dec 25
11 Nov 26
10 Oct 27
09 Sept 28
08 Aug 29
07 Jul 30
06 Jun 31
05 May 32
04 Apr 33
03 Mar 34
02 Feb 35
01 Jan 36
12 Dec 37
11 Nov 38
10 Oct 39
09 Sept 40
08 Aug 41
07 Jul 42
06 Jun 43
05 May 44
04 Apr 45
03 Mar 46
02 Feb 47
01 Jan 48
12 Dec 49
11 Nov 50
10 Oct 51
09 Sept 52
08 Aug 53
07 Jul 54
06 Jun 55
05 May 56
04 Apr 57
03 Mar 58
02 Feb 59
01 Jan 60
12 Dec 61
11 Nov 62
10 Oct 63
09 Sept 64
08 Aug 65
07 Jul 66
06 Jun 67
05 May 68
04 Apr 69
03 Mar 70
02 Feb 71
01 Jan 72