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Registration and access for IPUMS DHS is managed by The DHS Program, which is not reviewing new user applications or requests for expanded access from currently approved users at this time. IPUMS DHS data remain available to approved users.
DHS-IPUMS-I Tanzania regions, 1988 - 2015

Codes and Frequencies

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DHS_IPUMSI_ TZ provides geographic codes for Tanzania that match those in the DHS and IPUMS-International databases. This variable can be used to link contextual area data from IPUMS-DHS to IPUMS-International or vice versa. The codes in DHS_IPUMSI_TZ indicate the major administrative unit in which the household was enumerated or surveyed.

GIS shapefiles for Tanzania can be downloaded here.


The units in DHS_IPUMSI_TZ are harmonized across DHS and IPUMS-International samples to account for changing boundaries in the major administrative level of geography. The time span for DHS samples is 2004 to 2015 and corresponds to the census samples from 1988 to 2012 in IPUMS-International.

To retain a greater number of geographical units while accounting for changes in geography, several DHS samples are excluded from DHS_IPUMSI_TZ. The Tanzania 1991 sample is excluded from DHS_IPUMSI_TZ due to inconsistent boundaries and geographic units, as are the 1996 and 1999 DHS samples. Both 1996 and 1999 combine the following geographical units.

  • Pemba North
  • Pemba South
  • Town West
  • Zanzibar North
  • Zanzibar South

There were also several boundary changes in Tanzania:

  • Manyara was formed from part of Arusha in 2002.
  • Njombe was formed from part of Iringa in 2012.
  • Katavi was formed from part of Rukwa in 2012.
  • Geita was formed from parts of Shinyanga, Kagera, and Mwanza in 2012.
  • Simiyu was formed from parts of Shinyanga and Mwanza in 2012.


  • Tanzania 2004: All women age 15-49.
  • Tanzania 2010: All women age 15-49.
  • Tanzania 2015: All women age 15-49.
  • Tanzania: 2004-C, 2004-B, 2004-W, 2004-H, 2004-M, 2004-W, 2010-M, 2010-W, 2010-H, 2010-C, 2010-W, 2010-B, 2015-M, 2015-B, 2015-C, 2015-H, 2015-W, 2015-W