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Blood pressure reading summary

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For women who agreed to have blood pressure measured during the survey, BPSUMM reports the referral reading from the blood pressure measurements, indicating whether the woman has normal blood pressure (below 130/85), high normal blood pressure (130-139 / 85-89), mild hypertension (140-159 / 90-99), moderate hypertension (160-179 / 100-109), severe hypertension (180-209 / 110-119), or very severe hypertension (210+ / 120+). The classification for an individual is based on whichever of the two values measured (systolic or diastolic pressure) was higher.

This summary variable is based on the average of three blood pressure measurements, with the average values for systolic and diastolic pressure reported in the related variables BPAVGSYS and BPAVGDIA.


Apart from universe differences, BPSUMM has no comparability problems.

Comparability - Standard DHS

BPSUMM is a country-specific variable, and it is not included in any phase of the standard DHS questionnaire.


  • Benin 2011: Women age 15-49, in households not selected for hemoglobin testing, who agreed to have blood pressure measured.
  • Lesotho 2009: Women age 15-49, in households selected for hemoglobin testing, who agreed to have blood pressure measured.
  • Lesotho 2014: Women age 15-49, in households selected for hemoglobin testing, who agreed to have blood pressure measured.
  • Benin: 2011-B, 2011-C, 2011-W, 2011-W
  • Lesotho: 2009-W, 2009-C, 2009-B, 2009-W, 2014-W, 2014-B, 2014-C, 2014-W