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FC should continue because: Does not know (open-ended question)
Codes and Frequencies
Women who stated that female circumcision should continue (in FCCONTINU) were asked a follow-up question about why it should continue. FCCDK captures whether they did not know (or did not supply) a reason for why the practice should continue.
- Central African Republic 1995: Women age 15-49 who think FC should continue.
- Cote d'Ivoire 1998: Women age 15-49 who think FC should continue.
- Egypt 1995: Ever-married women age 15 to 49 who have heard of FC and think FC should continue.
- Mali 1995: All women age 15-49.
- Niger 1998: Women age 15-49 who think FC should continue.
- Nigeria 1999: Women age 10-49 who think FC should continue.